
Consequences of Vatican II

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catholic Francis Upends Catholic Education
It must stop being 'elitist' to fight exploitation & discrimination

catholicThe Synod Art

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 1 -   A Deep Dive into the Revolution
                  Disturbing messages in the artwork on the Vatican Synod website

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 2 -   Making War against the Militant Mark of the Church
                  Synod art calls for a truce in the fight between truth & error

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 3 -   Weaving a Tapestry of Diversity
                  Synod art makes a call for an 'inclusive' church

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 4 -   From a Hierarchical to an Egalitarian Church
                  A constant downward movement in the Synod art

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 5 -    Tyrannical 'Democracy' in the Synodal Church
                  Imposing rebellion as a model for the youth

catholic The Crisis in the Church - Part 1
A summary explanation by a young lady new to Tradition

catholic  The Need to Resist & Prepare for the Chastisement - Part 2
The ambiguities and errors generated by the Council

catholic ‘Media Nuns’: The Latest Step in Destroying Religious Life
Nuns on social media show off personal beauty & dancing skills

catholic Protestants Can Receive Communion at Mass, Says Catholic Theologian
Against the constant Catholic doctrine

catholic Indian Tribalism: The Communist-Missionary Ideal for the 21st Century
A prophetic work by Prof. Plinio predicting the guidelines of Querida Amazonia

catholic Amazonia Synod -  ‘Behold Your New Mother’
A pantheist prayer honoring Mother Earth: bad fruits from the Synod

catholicSisters in Crisis

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 1 -   No More Daughters of Charity at Nashville
                  A once thriving teaching-nursing Order withers & fades away

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 2 -   Change of Vocation for the Sisters of St. Joseph
                  From educating the youth to social justice and ecology

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 3 -   ‘Nuns on the Bus’ - Day One with Joe Biden
                  ‘These aren’t your grade school sisters, Joe’

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 4 -   Nuns Face the Cold to Protest Global Warming
                  Sisters' billboard campaign supports the Democratic platform

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 5 -   Nuns Close the Doors to New Applicants
                  Aging sisters cheerfully face the death of their Orders

catholic Amazonia Synod - An Atomic Bomb inside the Church
The new concept of mission promotes Communism

catholic Revolutionary Agenda of the Pan-Amazonia Synod - I
Prediction: 'Nothng will be as it was before' in the Church

catholic Bishop Miñarro, a Revolutionary Like Francis
This beach-Mass Bishop promotes homo unions, abortion, inculturation etc.

catholic New Papal Game: Pull Back the Hand before It Is Kissed
Francis shocks visitors at the Holy House of Loreto

catholic Nuns Join the Feminist Strike
Spanish Dominicans tweet support for radical feminism

Why I'm Embarrassed to Invite Non-Catholics to Mass
It's hard to take today's clownish Catholicism seriously

Conciliar Church Draws Closer to Freemasonry
Two recent encounters in Italy to discuss a new openness to Masonry

Pope Refuses His Papal Blessing to Sicilian Youth
Fearful of offending protestants and agnostic, but not fearful of God....

What Is behind Francis' Rehabilitation of Judas?
Just following the teaching of von Balthasar, mentor of JPII & Benedict XVI

Card. Mindzenty - Persecuted by Communism, Betrayed by Paul VI
Anti-communist hero & victim of Vatican Ospolitik

Archbishop Orders Blasphemous Homoerotic Mural -  Graphic photos
And puts himself among the homosexuals

Contemplative Women Must Change Their Lifestyles - Part 1
Francis orders they must better conform to the spirit of Vatican II

Francis’ Overhaul of Female Contemplative Life - Part 2
A document to round up the stray convents that avoid Vatican II

The Vatican’s Depraved Sex-Ed Program for Youth -  Graphic photos
A shameless show of modern morality & immodest imagery

Ridding the Church of Conservatives
Francis appoints Cupich 'bishop-maker' & puts out anti-homo Cardinal

Imposing the Cult of Man in the Stations of the Cross
A new type of 'devotion' that centers on man, not Christ

catholicThe Medicine of Mercy

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 1 -   Scriptures Don’t Teach Us this Medicine
                  The Gospel teaches us to be militant aginst error not merciful

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 2 -   New Teachings Lead to Alterations of the Faith
                  Consequences of the radical change in the treatment of error

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 3 -   Unlimited Tolerance for Breaking Church Law
                  A relaxed attitude toward error, rigor for traditionalism

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 4 -   Promoting Liberation Theology
                  The Jesuits & Conciliar Popes use LT to advance Communism

catholic Workers of the World, Unite!
The shocking speech of Francis at the Popular Movements' meeting

catholicFrancis, the Popular Movements and the Hammer & Sickle
Bergoglio is doing everything he can to encourage social revolution

catholic The Shocking Initiatives of Pope Francis
A systematic plan to desacralize the Papacy & change Church teaching

catholic The Audacity of the Changes Introduced in the Church
New doctrine & thinking imposed by Progressivism after Vatican II

catholic The Progressivist Revolution Faces an Impasse
Clash between the Catholic Church & the Conciliar Church

catholic Alert: Beware of Papal Smut
Francis hits a new low with his comment on journalists

catholic Kasper’s Theory: A Perversion of Catholic Doctrine
His novel Communion plan for divorced & remarried Catholics

catholic Prostituting God's Plan
Conciliar ecumenism turns God's plan for unity to Satan's purpose

catholic The Great Moral Flaw in Vatican II - Part 1
The smoke of Satan in the Church

catholic The Great Moral Flaw in Vatican II - Part 2
Vatican II clashed with the previous Popes

catholicThe Great Moral Flaw in Vatican II - Part 3
The Bishops broke their sworn Oaths against Modernism

catholicClarity Before the Council; Ambiguity Afterwards
The change in the papal documents after Vatican II

catholic Worse than the Tricoteuses…
Post-Vatican II Popes & Prelates praise the ideals of the French Revolution

catholic Endorsement of French Revolution & Refusal to Condemn Communism
The Progressivist Sect & Vatican II – Part 3

catholicMore Antics of the Taoist Pope
Yet other displays of spontaneity in Vatican Square

catholicDire Post-Conciliar Times - Part 1
Why are Bishops & priests soft on Christ’s teachings?

catholicDire Post-Conciliar Times - Part 2
Tolerance for homosexuals in seminaries: cause of sexual abuse by priests

catholicDire Post-Conciliar Times - Part 3
A strategic course set for the Bark of Peter

catholicThe Failure of the Medicine of Mercy
Francis escalates the sophism that mercy excludes God's justice & laws

catholicInfallibility Is Back in Fashion
Progressivists call on it to justify Francis' course of action

catholicAnother Propaganda Gesture of the ‘Cold Call Pope’
A pregnant Anna Romano pretends to be desperate

catholicConciliar Church & Judaism - Part 1
Biased attacks against Pius XII are allowed

catholicConciliar Church & Judaism - Part 2
Communist persecutions of Catholics in Ukraine & China are disregarded

catholic Conciliar Church & Judaism - Part 3
Christ’s divinity is denied to unite with the Jews

catholicConciliar Church & Judaism - Part 4
New teachings oppose Christ’s goal for the Catholic Church

catholicThe Church of Man - Part 1
A fundamental inversion in the goals of the Church

catholicThe Church of Man - Part 2
Strong attack against the integrity & unity of the Faith

catholicThe Spirit of Liberty Infiltrates the Church through Catholic Action
The Progressivist Sect & Vatican II – Part 1

catholicFalse Equality and Fraternity Destroyed Authority
The Progressivist Sect & Vatican II – Part 2

catholicJohn Paul II & the Augean Stables 
Instead of cleaning house, John Paul II travels and smiles

catholicSmiley and Jorge 
A smiling face to push forward the revolution in the Church

catholicSpanish Religious Orders on the Path of Death
Restructuring the major Religious Orders in Spain

catholicTwo Amiable Disputes 
Lessons from the Gospel contradict the Conciliar reality

catholicThe Parallax Effect & Vatican II
The false reality presented by the conciliar Church

catholicThe Oath against Modernism vs. the ‘Hermeneutic of Continuity’
Benedict's approach conflicts with the age-old Magisterium

catholicThe Rimini Cocktail
A Communion & Liberation mix of ecumenism, rock and socialism

catholicDog and Pony Show
Presto! Fr. Schillebeeckx pulls a new Situation Ethics out of the hat

catholic Bishop Muller Denies Perpetual Virginity of Our Lady
Unorthodox position of the new CDF Prefect overseeing dogma

catholicThe Language of Truth Is Simple
Our Lord's speech conflicts with progressivist language

catholicAnatomy of a Progressivist Parish
The pastor of Christ the King spreads tolerance for error and evil

catholicPope: The Neocatechumenal Way Is a ‘Special Gift of the Holy Spirit’
A liturgy and doctrine more Protestant than Catholic

catholicProgressivism, the Devil’s Jackpot
The most cunning tactic in Lucifer's war against the Church

catholicUp-Side-Down Theology
The Council destroyed the very heart of how theology is conceived

catholicAssisi and Zarathustra
On the syncretist meaning of the 1986 Assisi

catholicIntellectual Bunco
A deliberate opposition to Creationism by Benedict XVI

catholicChanging the Mentality of Catholics
A statement by Benedict XVI sheds light on the aim of the Council

catholicJewish Influence Grows in the Conciliar Church
Concessions by Vatican II and the progressivist Popes

catholicAIDS in the Body & in the Spirit
After Vatican II, a kind of HIV was unleashed in the Church

catholicBiased Interpretation of St. Robert Bellarmine
Benedict's new look of the great defender of the Faith

catholicThe Deicide and the Council
A deliberate confusion regarding spiritual Israel and Talmudic Israel

catholicThe Progressivist Juggernaut
An inexplicable massive force crushing whatever is in its path

catholicBenedict’s New Book Contradicts Church Teaching
Pope exonerates Jews for the death of Christ

catholicVerbal Acrobatics on Condoms
Journalists try to justify Benedict's statement

catholicThe Vatican Circus - Part 1
The Pellegrini Scandal - from Barcelona Gay Circus to Paul VI Hall

catholicThe Vatican Circus - Part 2
Who's to Blame for the Pellegrini Scandal at the Vatican?

catholicThe Newspeak of Progressivism
Ruses, twists and turns of Vatican II language

catholic‘I Always Voted at My Parties' Call’
The negligence of conservative Prelates during Vatican II

catholicThe Endemic Murky Language of Progressivism
Card. Suenens twists the words to change the image of God

catholicThe Victory of the Sappers
Progressivism, concealed before Vatican II, now dominates

catholicA Few Good Men to Resist
Gideon's militia inspires Marines and resistance to Vatican II

catholicRatzinger’s Preference & Cordileone’s Mandate
Communion on the tongue: an exception to reinforce the rule

catholicSt. George Church Unreasonably Destroyed
The oldest Lithuanian Church in the U.S. is razed - despite loud protests

catholicThe Engine and Strategies of Destruction
Post-conciliar Popes open the door to theistic evolution

catholicJewish ‘Miracles’ and Curses from Heaven
Benedict announces his visit to the Rome synagogue

catholicThe Destructive Ethos of Progressivism
Tribalism promoted in the wake of Vatican II

catholicProgressivism's Big Con
Obedient Catholics were easy "marks" for Vatican II's fraud

catholic No, Holy Father, the Crusades Were Not Misunderstandings!
Benedict's ecumenical gestures water down the Catholic Faith

catholicWhen Love for the Church Disappears...
The notion of the ‘Sinning Church’ inspires criticism, not admirationn

catholicThe Bishop and His ‘Prophetess’
Progressivist Indian Bishop stirs trouble after adopting a 26-year-old woman

catholicVatican II Broke with the Magisterium
Famous theologians admit a "new Church" was born at the Council

catholicThe Sydney Outrage
Comments on the video of the Gospel Procession at the final Papal WYD Mass

catholicThe Progressivism of the First & Second Renaissances
And parallels between the papacies of the first & second John XXIIIs

catholicThe Mathematical Curve of Progressivism
Reaching saturation point on the progressivist errors of Vatican II

catholicThe Parasite and the Lemmings
How Progressivism spread like an awful pandemic among Catholics

catholicA Contradictory Definition of Relativism
Card. Ratzinger claims subjective conscience as the highest norm on morality

catholicChe Guevara, Communism, and the Progressivist Heresy
Many lies in Guevara's myth; progressivist support for the Cuban regime

catholicThe Nervousness of Progressivism
Ambiguity of language is an earmark of the progressivists

catholicWhirling Dervishes at the Vatican
Another concession to Islam in the name of inter-religious dialogue

catholicConfession after Vatican II - Part 1
Factors that discourage going to Confesstion - Fr. Somerville

catholicConfession after Vatican II - Part 2
Five reasons not to call the Sacrament of Penance Reconciliation

catholicConfession after Vatican II - Part 3
Changes in the form of absolution?

catholicConfession after Vatican II - Part 4
A round-up of changes in word and spirit of Confession

catholic Penumbras and Emanations on the Role of the Holy Ghost
The Charismatics have a faulty foundation

catholicBad Creations of the Conciliar Popes
Parallel between Nietzsche's Zarathustra and Vatican II's creation of a new order

catholicThe Novus Ordo Mass Broke the Identity of the Church
Inductive and deductive arguments to prove the harm caused by the New Mass

catholicThe Laws of Thought and the Heresy of Progressivism
The conciliar Popes broke the laws of contradiction and identity

catholicA War Called Peace
The Progressivist utopia of peace wages a war against the Catholic Church

catholicPhilosophy Then and Now
The Church, like a house, needs a sound foundation or it will tilt and fall

catholicThe New Church Has No "Aura"
Post-conciliar buildings are burning and lifeless deserts

catholicMunich, Wansee and Vatican II
Parallel between the rise of the Nazis and the Progressivist take-over

catholicThe Brave New World of Progressivism
Today's ecclesiastics want to adapt themselves to the world, not convert it

catholicThe Pneumatological Revolution
The feel-good Church of Vatican II and the supposed action of the Holy Ghost

catholicDesacrificing the Mass - Part 1
Fr. Somerville demonstrates how sacrifice is present in the Tridentine Mass

catholicDesacrificing the Mass - Part 2
Fr. Somerville - How Vatican II abolished the sacrificial character of the Mass

catholicThe Spider
How Paul VI betrayed Americans in the Vietnan War

catholicCarefully Taught Catholics
The silence of Rome in face of offenses made by priests

catholicCybernetics and the Revolution in the Church
Vatican II collegiality sends out self-managed torpedos with glitches

catholicVolstead and the Mass
The error of depriving man of what is legitimate and good

catholicThe Trilogy: Blood, Temptation and the Kiss of Betrayal
The kiss of Judas, the kiss of the Koran, praying in the mosque

catholicBetter ICEL, Better Hope?
Fr. Stephen Somerville questions the optimism over new liturgy corrections

catholicA Charismatic Weekend at Steubenville
An eyewitness report by John Vennari about its "fusion Catholicism"

catholicThe Perplexing Pontificate of Pope John Paul II
Prof. Amelunxen: Wojtyla's was progressivist both before and during his papacy

catholicVatican Calls Church Sit-Ins a "Positive Sign"
Gary Morella: Muslim squatters invade Belgian churches

catholicPapal Knighthood Given to a Jewish Rabbi
Rabbi Rosen invested in the Papal Order of St. Gregory by Card. Kasper

catholicIs the Catholic Church Becoming a Branch of the Synagogue?
An analysis by Guimarães of John Paul II's visit to the synagogue of Rome

catholicThe Carmelites in Israel: Traditional Habits, Progressivist Doctrine
Dr. Horvat shows the progressivist infiltration into contemplative convents

catholicThe Swan's Song of Galileo's Myth
Atila S. Guimarães: Galileo's condemnation was just

catholicRatzinger on Communion to Pro-Abortion Politicians
Redle: Criticism on his contradictions on this topic

catholicCan this Story Be Right?
Gary Morella on the article "Pope Bows to Liberty, Fraternity and Equality"

catholicSatanism and the "Incompetent Roman Curia"
Satanism on the rise in northern Italy: an interview with exorcist Fr. Amorth

catholicMcGreevey Dares To Call Himself “Catholic”
Gary Morella on the disgraced ex-Governor of New Jersey

catholicBishop Pilla on Communion to Pro-Abortion Politicians
Progressivist "pastoral" of Cleveland's Bishop

catholicSt. Peter & the Vatican Exhibit: Marvelous Continuity & Shocking Change
Marian Horvat compares past and present artifacts in the exposition

catholicThe Golden Calf Dancers - Part 1
The post-conciliar liturgical reform constitutes a revolution

catholicThe Golden Calf Dancers - Part 2
The testimonies of Sister Lucy and Pius XII indicate a crisis inside the Church

catholicThe Golden Calf Dancers - Part 3
Today's liturgical dances are opposed to previous Catholic teaching

catholicThe Golden Calf Dancers - Part 4
No! to liturgical revolution

catholicThe Confused “Clear Teaching” of the Bishops
On the controversy of giving Communion to pro-abortion politicians

catholicThe Role of Real Estate Liquidation in the Archdiocese of New York
Michael Ryan comments on the demolition of Catholic churches

catholicFrom Pentecostalism to Apostasy
John Vennari analyzes the sermon of a charismatic preaching at a papal retreat.

catholicThe Progressivist Challenge to Fatima
The planned inter-faith shrine at Fatima - another colossal affront to Our Lady

catholicWhat about the Orthodoxy of Mother Teresa?
Her inter-confessionalism and her miracle raise concern about her beatification

catholicDoes Hell Exist? Read The Letter From Beyond
Today most Americans think no one goes to Hell...

catholicTransitory Popes
Are we being prepared for a policy of papal retirement?

catholicHermit in Poland
Rumours of John Paul II's resignation

catholicThe Incorrupt Pope and the Pharaohs
Was John XXIII's incorrupt body a miracle?

catholicContribution to a Canonization
Doubts about the sanctity of John XXIII

catholicVatican Council III or Jerusalem II?
Rumors and perspectives about a new Ecumenical Council

catholicCharismatics, Devils and Modernists
What Is the Spirit behind the Charismatic Movement?

catholicThe Case of the Vatican Cover-Up
Debate on whether John Paul II Covered Up for Pedophile Priests

catholicTwo Questions for Cardinal Dulles
A. S. Guimarães to Cardinal Avery Dulles: Do you deny your progressivist past?

catholicThe Kiss and the Blood
Kissing the Koran ... What it symbolizes, and its consequences

catholicUnderstanding the Crusades
Why ask forgiveness for the Crusades, a noble episode in Catholic history?

catholicA Counter-Crusade
Are we dealing with a new notion of infallibility?

catholicChanges in Doctrine and New Anathemas
Is the Vatican approving the notion of a future Jewish messiah?

catholicWe Resist You to the Face
If a Pope teaches a grave error, should Catholics obey?

catholicCowardly Pamphleteers Attack the Resistance Statement
Guimarães asks the Canon Law Society of America if it really supports this attack?

catholicThe Pact of Metz
Why didn't Vatican II condemn Communism?

catholicIs God Mother? Background of a Pontifical Statement
Do you think God could be an Eternal Mother?

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