Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Chicago priest blesses 'gay wedding'
On September 29, 2024, Fr. Michael Pfleger, above, pastor of St. Sabina Church in Chicago, went to the apartment of a "gay couple" who were celebrating their seventh "wedding" anniversary, reports the Chicago Sun Times.We see that when the Vatican document Fiducia supplicans affirmed that the authorized "blessings" for homo "couples" should never be confused with approval of "gay marriage," this was an imposture.
Both Card. Fernandez who wrote it and Pope Francis who approved it knew perfectly well that it would be used to confirm homosexuals in their vices and in their sinful relationships.
Those who imagine that Fr. Pfleger was disobeying Fiducia supplicans by blessing this "wedding" anniversary did not understand the progressivist artifice. Actually it was written to produce this precise effect: to stabilize the homo infamous liaisons.
Below, Fr. Pfleger, a progressivist activist who loves to wear his causes on his shirts...
Photos from Chicago Sun Times & the Internet