Progressivism in the Church
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Photo of the Week
Suor Cristina: New Evangelization ends in apostasy
Well, it did not work. The Ursuline superiors and even Pope Francis threw their full support behind Suor Cristina's music career. First, she raised the surprise and admiration that contradiction and scandal always raise: "A nun onstage? I do not believe it! Let me go and see for myself."She has a good voice, so her voice was the pretext to spotlight the contradiction and the scandal. She won the 2014 season of The Voice of Italy. Then, success onstage in musicals came in its wake. One show after another, always with the full support of her religious superior – see last row below.
The Mother Superior and her nuns were enthused with the effect of the New Evangelization of Suor Cristina... "What prestige for the Church! Imagine how the name of Christ is being spread! How many vocations to our Congregation this success will bring!"
What happened was the opposite. In her heart, Suor Cristina attributed the success to her own talent, and she tasted and reveled in the glory of the world. So, the obvious question came to her mind: "Why should I not leave religious life, enter the world and enjoy what is my due?"
This week the news came: Suor Cristina no longer exists. She left the Convent and is a waitress in Spain. An interview on Italian TV announced the apostasy. "I love life; I love myself" were her words. Quite different from a life of dedication and self-renunciation for the glory of God.
She does not hide her apostasy, which the media hypocritically is calling a "re-conversion." Actually she appeared on the TV show wearing trousers, earrings and make-up; the nose piercing is to symbolize her new life, she explained. Asked if she dances, she answered, yes, she likes to go to nightclubs to dance.
It is an extraordinary confirmation of the failure of the New Evangelization. Instead of bringing real vocations to the religious life, it brings religious women and men to the world.
It is also a strong confirmation of the wisdom of traditional Catholic Morals with regard to the world. The modern world is an enemy that should be avoided at all costs, especially by those dedicated to the religious life.
Photos from this video & Internet

Posted November 27, 2022