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Dos and Don’ts in Photos
Fred Astaire dancing

Do dress well even when you make physical effort

There is an American myth that we cannot dress well when making strong physical effort. The photo above of American movie idol Fred Astaire shows the opposite. Astaire, known for his dancing skills, often wore a suit with a closed coat even in the most extreme positions, such as the one pictured above, where both of his feet are in the air.

We use any pretext to be casual: at home, at work, at the club, at the beach, in the military. So, we got rid of all the ceremonial apparel for almost every profession and occasion. These pretexts look more like hatred for ceremony and pomp than anything else. America unfortunately became the land of vulgarity.

There is still time to return to the good path. Let us start now.

Do dress well even when you make physical effort.

Elaine Jordan

Fred Astaire dancing 2;

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Posted September 11, 2019

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