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Dos and Don'ts in Photos

Jacqueline Kennedy wearing a chapel veil

Do wear a veil at Mass
When at TIA we advise that traditional or conservative apparel be worn by our readers, sometimes we receive this objection: "This may be good for Europeans, but we Americans are casual, these customs do not fit with our way of life."

Instead of giving a theoretical answer, let me point out the photo above, in which one of the most emblematic couples in our American history challenges that objection by their way of dress. It demonstrates that we Americans do in fact know what distinction is and can represent it on the correct occasions.

John and Jacqueline Kennedy appear leaving the Church close to their residence in Massachusetts after Sunday Mass. He wears a suit and tie, with his coat buttoned and a white handkerchief folded in his upper pocket. She wears a white skirt that elegantly contrasts with her black blouse and jacket. A black veil, appropriate for a married woman, covers her head as prescribed by traditional customs, following the precept of St. Paul that women should cover their heads in church.

Here you have a good American model to imitate when you go to Mass: If you are a gentleman use a suit and tie; if you are a lady wear a discreet and elegant costume and cover your head (the entire head, please, and not just the top of it) with a fine veil.

You should also be suspicious of those who pretend that Americans are always casual. This is a revolutionary myth that we - traditionalists and conservatives - should put to rest.

Do wear a veil at Mass.

Elaine M. Jordan

Blason de Charlemagne
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Posted September 28, 2012

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