Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Peruvian monk dances on TikTok
The photos you see on this page of a man dancing show a monk of the Third Order of Saint Francis of Penance. His name is Fray Angel and he is based in Lima, Peru.He is one of the many religious or priests who mark their presence in the social media by posting foolish short videos on Instagram or TikTok to attract an equally foolish audience. Supposedly these clownish performances are making an apostolate and giving glory to Our Lord.
Actually, initiatives like this present a falsified Jesus Christ, and instead of attracting audiences to His Way of the Cross – the only road to salvation – they appeal to the lack of seriousness of the modern youth and indirectly justify their vices.
In fact, Fray Angel performs a TikTok duo, below, three last rows, with an immodest make-up artist painting her chest with Nativity and Epiphany scenes and displaying very low cleavage. In another clip you see him dancing with a young woman at an outdoor Peruvian party.
Let us not forget that Fr. Angel belongs to the Order of St. Francis of Penance. It seems a mockery that a religious supposedly turned toward making penance does the very opposite.
Another consequence of Vatican II.
Many more effeminate performances of Fray Angel are available on his TikTok page.
Photos from from his
TikTok page

Posted January 16, 2022