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Vatican promotes ‘blessed’ tattoos
In Frankfurt, Germany, a new trend was launched on October 22, 2021. In the Church of Our Dear Lady (Liebfraenkirche), Capuchin Fr. Paulus Terwitte, at left above, started the new program Tattooing before the altar.He invited a professional tattooer – Silas Becks – to come to the church and offer free tattoos to those interested.
The initiative, which will likely be repeated, has the full approval of the Archdiocese of Limburg, where Frankfurt is located. It also has the full support of L'Osservatore Romano, which published a substantial news report on it in its November 3, 2021 edition under the title "When tattooing is a sign of devotion" – above.
The German project follows in the wake of two declarations of Pope Francis supporting tattoos. In the first on March 19, 2018, Francis spoke favorably about tattooing, commenting that it "indicates dependence"; in the second on February 20, 2019, he misinterpreted a passage of Isaiah (Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hand 49:16) to approve arm and hand tattoos.
Although in the past, remnants of barbarianism inspired some Catholics to use tattoos to mark their pilgrimages to this or that sacred place, the practice is essentially pagan. It is part of the pagan principle that people should mutilate and mark their bodies to honor false deities. Tattoos and piercings are seen in primitive tribes of Africa as a means to honor devils. Today tattoos and piercings mark the return to satanic practices.
It is not surprising to see tattoos being blessed by Francis and the Conciliar Church. This blessing follows the same direction he has taken with his Amazonian Church and the cult to Pachamama.

Posted November 14, 2021