Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Obscene pro-life gala at St. Stephen's Cathedral
Since 2017 Card. Christoph von Schonborn of Vienna has offered St. Stephen's Cathedral to host an annual performance for persons contaminated by AIDS. This year the show changed to those infected with Covid. The sketch presented all the epidemics Vienna has seen in its past.This year's "Austria for Life" show took place on May 28, 2021. Lights were projected on the lateral side of the Cathedral, above, while performances were staged on a platform constructed in St. Stephen's Square, below first row.
As in previous years, the show was directed by Gery Kesler, a known homosexual activist. The gala also counted on the presence of Austrian transvestite Conchita Wurst who appeared as Mozart, below, rows four to six.
A particularly scandalous performance was give by Portuguese-Austrian singer Sandra Pires, who appeared as Empress Maria Theresa. She was wearing a dress adorned with moving figures, which included a faun chasing a naked nymph, below, rows seven to nine. This very obscene detail on the costume may be checked by the reader, at his discretion, here. Kronen Zeitung published the original article promoting "Austria's colorful spectacle" with this photo, here.
Another blasphemous detail is that the actress posed in that obscene dress right in front of an altar inside St. Stephen's Cathedral, ninth row.
We do not need to stress that Card. Shonborn fully approved the entire performance. We can see him posing with Conchita Wurst and Gery Kesler in the second from the last row.
It is shocking to see the Conciliar Church promoting open eroticism in its "charitable" pro-life initiatives.
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Photos from form the Internet

Posted July 25, 2021