Progressivism in the Church
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Franciscans send a blasphemous Christmas card
Franciscans International (FI) is a NGO turned toward the fight for human rights, immigration and environment issues. It is a religious social activist group that has been in the avant guarde of the Revolution since the time of John Paul II.Now that Pope Francis has become the flag-bearer of the same revolutionary ideals, FI feels at ease to mock traditional piety.
Indeed, for its Christmas card the organization found nothing better to do than to represent the Visitation of the Most Holy Virgin Mary with her cousin St. Elizabeth as an encounter of Our Lady with the nude Pachamama.
To represent St. Elizabeth as Pachamama in the Visitation is gravely offensive for the following reasons:
1. The Indian idol is naked in opposition to St. Elizabeth who was dressed in perfect modesty;
2. The Indian idol is pregnant with the Earth, which is a utopia that announces the paganization of our world, in opposition to St. Elizabeth who was pregnant with St. John the Baptist, who would announce the Messiah and the Christianization of the world;
3. The supposed visitation of Our Lady to Pachamama implies that Mary is going today to encounter Pachamama to help the latter give birth to a new earth, as Our Lady in fact in the past helped St. Elizabeth in her parturition. This is a blasphemous implication since the Virgin Mary would never help the birth and development of any pagan cult. Instead, in reality she was always the means to destroy Paganism;
4. Putting together Pachamama and the Most Holy Virgin Mary both in state of gestation implies that the fruit of Pachamama's womb is in affinity with the fruit of Mary's womb, as St. John the Baptist was with Christ. Now then, the idol of Pachamama is in affinity with Animism, Idolatry and Paganism, which are not the marks of Christ, but of the Antichrist.
For these reasons we suggest that Catholics should make reparation for these blasphemies against St. Elizabeth, the Most Holy Virgin Mary, St. John the Baptist and Our Lord Jesus Christ.
The text of the Franciscans International "Christmas message" can be read in the photocopy below, with the photo of Fr. Markus Heinze, OFM, its author.
Photos from Franciscan International, first seen in

Posted January 12, 2020

Our Lady of La Salette,
restore the Holy Church.