Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Francis meets an Eskimo shaman
Angaangaq Angakkorsuaq is an Eskimo shaman, or witch doctor. As he became more popular, many other Indian tribes asked him to be their shaman as well. He speaks English well and is drawing attention in the ecological movements, which are inviting him for interviews in various places around the world.Indeed, the Vatican invited him to be present at the meeting titled Saving Our Common Home and the Future of Life on Earth (July 5-6, 2018). During those days he was invited to personally greet Pope Francis, above, as well as to have a warm conversation with Card. Peter Turkson, fifth row below, and to sit at the head table of the event, sixth row.
In the first and second rows, we see Angakkorsuaq wielding his powers over the spirits before sending a message to the Holy Father inviting him to visit Greenland.
In the third and fourth rows, he emphatically preaches on Mother Nature during an interview with Coop Zeitung in Germany.
The Eskimos are Animists, that is, they attribute conscious life to animals, plants, minerals and elements of nature, and communicate with these spirits. They also believe that some objects can embody divine energies, which leads them to idolatry.
By giving prestige to a shaman, Francis promotes paganism and idolatry. A new trait of the "Church with an Amazonian face"...

Posted December 29, 2019

Our Lady of La Salette,
restore the Holy Church.