Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Card. Dolan at the shabat in a New York synagogue
On February 20, 2015, the Archbishop of New York, Cardinal Timothy Dolan, was a guest speaker at the Shabat service at Emanu-El synagogue on Fifth Avenue. Above, you see him in red in the center of the photo.Under the pretense of meeting to emphasize the peacefulness of religions in the face of the violence of ISIS, rabbi Joshua Davidson invited Card. Dolan to speak at the Jewish synagogue he directs.
Dolan's talk was an elaboration on the name Emmanuel to conclude that Catholics and Jews "are bonded most intimately by our faith in the confession that ... God is with us, Emmanuel." Such a statement is an implicit denial of the Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Whom the Jews strongly reject. Notwithstanding, Dolan affirmed that he believes in the same God as the Jews.
In his speech, rabbi Davidson noted the Cardinal's presence coincided with the approach of the 50th anniversary of Vatican II, and specially praised the Declaration Nostra aetate, which changed the tone of the Catholic-Jewish relationship.
Below first row, after the speeches Dolan manifests his familiarity with the Jewish religion by embracing the rabbis present, including a woman rabbi, which seems to be an indirect approval of women priests.
In the other rows you see him embracing and giving his clownish grin to almost each attendee in that not-so-numerous audience.
News report here, comments, the full text of Dolan's speech & video here.
Photos from the video, first seen in Call Me Jorge

Posted March 8, 2015