Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
A Che Guevara priest in Mexico
Fr. Adolfo Huerta Aleman, above, has his face painted in white with a black dollar sign down the middle to protest against Capitalism and the money-centered modern economy. Fr. Huerta, known to his parishioners as Fr. Gofo, was named pastor of Our Lord of Mercy Church in Saltillo, Mexico, and is also in charge of the Our Lady of Atocha Church, in the neighboring Lomas de Lourdes.
In his room Huerta displays a poster of Che Guevara, his idol, along with the Crucified Christ. When he wears a collar, he shows a pin of Che Guevara on his jacket lapel, as seen above.
Besides these communist "preferences," Huerta has definite cultural bents as well, which include admiration for heavy metal rock bands, including the satanic ones. He frequently wears t-shirts displaying his favorite rock stars, first and sixth rows below. He also wears a ring with a skull, a symbol of heavy metal, fourth and fifth rows below. But when he is asked about it, he says it is to remind him of death. Huerta also openly admits he loves pictures of naked women, swears and tells off-color jokes during his sermons.
The priest is a strong supporter of the "gay" agenda and the pro-choice movement. Some time ago he started an "apostolate" with prostitutes, not to convert them to good customs, but to teach them their human rights. A fan of Liberation Theology, Fr. Huerta participates in public demonstrations against the government, the few times we see him wearing a collar, first row above, second row below.
He asserts that the faith is only "a motivation in life to improve our human relations and be better human beings." Asked whether he believed in God, he replied - using bad language - that he could not care less about the existence of God. He also acknowledged to the press (here and here) that he frequently engages in sexual relations.
This new gem of the Mexican clergy counts on the protection and support of the Bishop of Saltillo, Raul Vera Lopez, last row at right. When the Bishop was asked if he would reprimand Fr. Huerta, he replied in the negative. He said he is dialoging with him and wants to continue along this path. One of the results of this dialogue was Vera's suggestion to Huerta that he write a letter to the Pope defending "women priests" and married priests, which Huerta proceeded to do.
A video in Spanish on Fr. Huerta may be watched here