Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Pagan fire ritual in a Catholic church
One of TIA's staff members received a reel from a friend that had gone viral which showed an Aztec pagan fire ritual inside of a Catholic church performed on December 12, 2024, the Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe.The reel from which we took the photos and gifs on this page did not specify the church where it took place. We searched but could not find other footage on this act that would fill this information gap. We would be grateful if any of our readers could provide the location or any other data.
What we can observe from the reel: Three men are seated behind an Altar facing the audience, which reveals it is a Novus Ordo church. If we pay attention to the purple banner hanging down from the upper right side of the altar top, it has the words "Hope, Peace, Love, Joy" written in English, which signifies that the church is not in Mexico, but in the United States or in English Canada.
The altar is covered with a linen cloth typically used to say Mass. On the altar are elements that indicate that a Mass is either about to start or it is before the Offertory.
Indeed, there is a gold cloth – the Burse – used to carry the Corporal and placed over the Chalice, the Purificator, the Paten, the Pall, as well as two small circular candle sticks placed side by side next to the gold cloth; it is not possible to distinguish whether they are lit or not. On either side of the altar there is a large lit candle stick with a heavy base.
Regarding the persons, there are three men behind the altar, an altar girl seated on the right side of it, and an older man on the left. This older man has a white tunic without any particular symbol, which allows us us surmise that he is just an acolyte. Regarding the three men behind the altar, the one on the right wears a gold diagonal sash across his chest over his white vestments, which indicates he is a Deacon; the one on the left has normal priestly vestments and the one in the center is the only person seated in a high-backed chair, which seem to indicate he is a Bishop.
The tribal Aztec dancer is clearly paying tribute to the fire, which was the deity Xiuhtecuhtli. This false god supposed came from Hell to create the universe and had the power to conserve or to destroy it.
So, what the progressivist Bishop we see in these gifs chose to do on the Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe was to pay tribute to the pagan god of fire.
Is this not a way to reject the Catholic Faith that the missionaries and the conquistadores brought to Mexico – and which Our Lady of Guadalupe came to confirm? Is this not a reaffirmation of the Aztec old demonic worship?
Here we have an act of destruction of the Catholic Faith made in the name of the inculturation of Vatican II.
Photos & gifs from Instagram