Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Voodoo in Brazilian churches
This week a reader sent us the gif above showing a voodoo dance performed in front of the altar in Our Lady Aparecida Cathedral, the Metropolitan Cathedral of Brasilia, Brazil's capital.When we went to check the details, we verified that it took place in November of 2023, and not this last November 2024 as our reader believed. Nonetheless, we decide to bring it to attention of our readers, because the presence of voodoo – in Brazil called umbanda, candomblé or macumba – inside Brazilian Catholic churches has become more frequent than we could imagine.
The dance, above and first three rows below, took place on November 9, 2023, during a performance of the Orquestra Mundana Refugi. Below first row, we see the parish priest introducing the show, second row, the advertisement of the event, third row, the dancer being accompanied by the orchestra and singers, who are clapping.
Since the performance raised indignation, the church authorities and the orchestral conductor issued "explanations" that the woman who performed the dance was "just a spectator who spontaneously came to the platform in front of the altar and started to dance." Believe it if you wish...
The second set of photos, after the blue voodoo seal, in the fourth and fifth rows below, capture another voodoo ritual that took place this time in Immaculate Conception Church in the outskirts of Brasilia, also under the jurisdiction of its Cardinal.
Four voodoo religious entered that church on September 22, 2022, and performed some strange rituals, rolling on the floor on the steps of the altar. Card. Paulo Cezar Costa did not condemn that profanation; instead, he considered it an "opportunity for dialogue."
The last photo on this page shows a ceremony of voodoo inside Our Lady of Conception Church in the city of Manaus. It took place on December 12, 2017, with the tacit approval of the religious authorities, given that it was directed by the local priest.
Since voodoo is a barely disguised worship of the Devil, we see that this spurious cult is being installed in the Conciliar Church in the name of religious tolerance, dialogue and inculturation under the presupposition that every religion brings people to eternal salvation.
These facts remind us of the absurdity highlighted by Pope Pius IX: "If any religion saves, then Christ & Belial are alike."
Photos from the Internet