Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Blessings for topless natives
Yesterday, Saturday, September 7, 2024, Pope Francis was received at Port Moresby in Papua New Guinea by a teenage native musical ensemble, which performed for him on violins and violas.The teens were in Papuan native apparel, which “traditionally” would suppose women to be topless, below second row. Although for this performance some of the young women covered their breasts as was appropriate, others held to their "tradition," as was the case of the girl in red, above second from the left.
We cannot say how many teenage girls were topless because several of them used their instruments to cover their bosoms, first row below.
Seeing this photo, two conclusions come immediately to our attention: First, if these teenagers are so civilized that they are able to play violin and viola, it means that they received a good amount of instruction following Western culture. So, they are no longer primitive and know quite well that to appear topless is immoral for woman. If they appear in this garb to perform for the Pope, it is because their learned teachers told them to do so.
Second, given that the protocol for a papal trip is minutely studied prior to any visit, we should conclude that this performance and their apparel was approved by the Vatican, and perhaps by the Pope himself.
Therefore, the blessing Francis is giving to the ensemble of young musicians, above, includes those topless girls, whether he is aware of it or not...
Photos from L'Osservatore Romano & the Internet