Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Pope promotes Tribalism
On May 8, 2024, in his Wednesday public audience at St. Peter's Square, Pope Francis received Mundiya Kepanga, an indigenous leader of New Guinea and chief of the Huli tribe.Previously that same day, he had met Kepanga privately at the Paul VI Audience Hall. So, we see that the tribal chief was re-invited to meet the Pope at St. Peter's Square to have his photo taken in a more symbolic way to be widely disseminated. Indeed, we took this photo from the Vatican organ L'Osservatore Romano.
Francis took advantage of this meeting with Kepanga to advance his tribalist agenda in favor of the "common home" and against deforestation.
In addition, the fact of receiving a semi-nude Kelanga is also expressive of the general moral laxity of his pontificate.
Photo from L'Osservatore Romano