Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Francis wears a Naga tribal headgear
On May 28, 2019, Nagaland Bishop James Thoppil presented a Naga tribal headgear to Pope Bergoglio, who, with his well-known exhibitionism, immediately donned it.The Naga tribes belong to northeastern India and use this headgear in their ceremonies preparing for the hunting season.
The presence of two horns on the hat of a human being brings to mind something imitating the Devil, which is not rare in primitive cultures.
Sadly, this motif seems to fit particularly well on Pope Bergoglio's head, since his unceasing work of destruction of the Church makes him appear less and less as a Vicar of Christ and more and more as an agent of His Adversary.
Photos from Eastmojo & Internet

Posted July 28, 2019

Our Lady of La Salette,
restore the Holy Church.