Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Rainbow flag leads Eucharistic Procession in Lourdes
On July 23, 2022, to the customary Eucharistic Procession that starts outdoors and ends inside the underground Basilica of St. Pius X in the Lourdes Sanctuary complex, an enormous rainbow flag was added.It was a Saturday procession, when the affluence of pilgrims and sick persons is more intense. The immense flag was carried by a group of the Lourdes' helpers in their characteristic dark navy suit and tie, and even by some of the sick persons in their wheelchairs conducted by nurses in their nun-like white uniform.
The saddest part of this spectacle is that the sick persons with incurable illnesses who go to Lourdes hoping for miraculous healings were requested to hold and wave small rainbow flags.
Even though the rainbow flag with the word Pace (peace in Italian) was chosen as the symbol of the Vatican agency Fides – the press agency of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith – it is a clear support of the homosexual movement. We believe that the religious authorities of Lourdes who promoted or authorized the use of those rainbow flags took advantage of this precedent to spread among the faithful something like this: "Here, take this flag. It is a symbol of the Holy See"...
This or any other pretext should have raised a reaction in the attendees and they should have refused to carry it or support its presence. Unfortunately this refusal was not forthcoming. Without an order coming from the religious authorities, it would not be possible to induce those male and female helpers – as well as the faithful and the sick pilgrims who were present – to consider that symbolic profanation as something normal.
Once inside the underground Basilica during the Adoration of the Holy Host, the enormous rainbow flag was placed at the right side of the altar, covering one of the side balconies.
It was another great offense to Our Lord in the Eucharist and to Our Lady of Lourdes. It was also another enormous symbolic support of the Conciliar Church for the homosexual movement.
Photos from this video

Posted July 31, 2022