Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
The family according to l'Osservatore Romano
The daily newspaper of the Holy See is L'Osservatore Romano (OR). To promote Feminism it prints a monthly supplement called Women, Church, World (Donne, Chiesa, Mondo).In its April 2022 issue, the Vatican organ chose to illustrate the theme of the family – the topic of the month – with the cover above, which reproduces a painting by Matisse.
Of the five somewhat blurred naked figures the two on the left seem to be men, the two on the right appear to be women and the central figure – seen from the back – also seems to be a woman. The figures are dancing, which inspired L'Osservatore Romano to title its issue The Dance of the Family. The "dance of the family" is interpreted here as the dynamism of the various relationships that compose the life of each family.
The dance in the painting above depicts naked men and woman dancing in a circle, suggesting that they are doing this as part of some type of an orgy. Matisse made another similar painting, below – also reproduced by the Vatican newspaper in the same issue – representing five women, which suggests that they are either taking part in a lesbian orgy or at least in a pagan immoral distraction.
Below the immoral picture are the words: Portrait of a family. Fragile, imperfect, but vital like a dance. And with a line of resistance. Conversation with Chiara Gioaccardi
For us it appears completely inappropriate to represent the family in either of these ways shown on this page of the Holy See's newspaper. Catholic doctrine teaches us that the family is the celula mater of society and should be a model of natural and supernatural virtues. Its archetype is the Holy Family, which has absolutely nothing to do with these scandalous depictions.
We see that under the leadership of Pope Francis – who is the final authority behind what OR publishes – all the moral obstacles that still remained to restrain men from giving free course to their passions have been lifted. This scandalous Vatican depiction of the family seems an objective expression of the present day apostasy about which St. Paul warned the Thessalonians and Our Lady of La Salette described to Melanie.
Photos from L'Osservatore Romano

Posted April 3, 2022