Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Fashion show in Puerto Rico church
Stella Maris Parish in San Juan, Puerto Rico, hosted a fashion show on October 22, 2021. The event was sponsored by the local fashion magazine Magacín.The show – Trazos del Corazón, Strokes of the Heart – was conceived by designer Bea Rodriguez and the proceeds were donated to the Stefano Foundation, which fights against violence in families.
Independent of the good purpose of the Stefano Foundation, it is absolutely inadmissible to have a fashion show in a Catholic church. Further, several of the models were dressed in immodest clothing.
The church, the House of God, should be reserved for Catholic worship, yet is being used for secular and worldly purposes. It should be a place to preach virtue, yet is promoting immodest customs. The contradiction is so blatant that this use is correctly considered a profanation of a Holy Place.
The parish priest who authorized this blasphemous desecration is Fr. Antonio José Vasquez, nicknamed Fr. Tito, third row below left. The Archbishop of San Juan, who supports the apostolate of Fr. Tito, is Roberto Gonzalez Nieves, third row right. Last row, Arch. Gonzalez Nieves is received warmly by Pope Francis, who certainly approves of this abuse and many others...
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Posted March 13, 2022