Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Sensual dance profanes Toledo Cathedral
On October 7, 2021, the video Ateo (Atheist) was filmed in the Cathedral of Toledo, Primate Church of Spain and of the Americas.The video was a collaboration between Spanish rapper C. Tangana and Argentinian singer-dancer Nathy Peluso, and included highly sensual and provocative scenes, which constituted an enormous profanation of that important religious place. The lyrics of the bachata were also immoral.
Nonetheless, it was recorded with the full approval of the Cathedral Dean Juan Miguel Ferres.
In response to the great indignation it raised among the faithful, the Dean had to make a general apology; and then asked the Archbishop of Toledo to retire early. Fr. Ferrer's tenure had been due to end on November 5; instead he exited on October 16. Archbishop Francisco Cerro Chaves accepted his "resignation" and issued a statement saying he had not been informed about the filming.
We see that if the laity would react more energetically to such desecrations, it would oblige the clergy and Hierarchy to curtail the boldness of their escalating destruction.
Mainly, it would make reparation for the great offense profanations like this represent to Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Photos from form the video

Posted December 19, 2021