Progressivism in the Church
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‘Ignatian Yoga’ desecrates a NYC church
‘Ignatian Yoga’ is a group founded by Fr. Bobby Karle, S.J., to practice yoga and to promote spirituality and social justice. Fr. Karle affirms: “I started practicing yoga to deepen my relationship with Christ.” He also says that through yoga he found his Jesuit vocation.The photos on this page were taken during a yoga session of the group that took place in St. Francis Xavier Church in New York City, NY, on February 2, 2018. The yoga instructor is Alan Haras from Hamsa Yoga Center in Lake Orion, Michigan.
Yoga is incompatible with Catholicism. The yoga poses are designed to imitate the Hindu deities (demons), therefore to be in “union” with them.
We do not need to stress that the initiative of desecrating a church by practicing yoga in it has the full approval of Card. Timothy Dolan.
It also counts on the close support of Fr. James Martin, S.J., who says this about “Ignatian Yoga”: “I think it’s wonderful, and the people that I know who have done it have loved it, their sessions and retreats are almost always sold out, and I would just say, try it.”
In the sixth row below, you see Fr. James Martin, center, embracing Alan Haras, at left in the photo, and Fr. Karle, at right. In the last row is the symbol adopted by Ignatian Yoga, the Jesuit symbol stylized as a Lotus flower.
Photos from the Ignatian Yoga Facebook

Posted March 25, 2018

Our Lady of La Salette,
restore the Holy Church.