Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Sister Buder yesterday & today
In 1970, Sister Madonna Buder, above, left the Augustinian Order to which she belonged and joined the Sisters for Christian Community, an organization that aims to apply directly the teachings of Vatican II. In this community each nun decides how, where and when she exercises her "apostolate."Sister Buder, then, decided to live her "religious life" by entering into sports competitions. She chose to participate regularly in the Ironman Triathlon, which is a competition that includes swimming, bicycling and running a total of 140 miles in a maximum of 17 hours.
Buder was born in 1930 and completed her first Triathlon at age 52; she continues to do so until today, at age 85.
She became a model of what, according to the Conciliar Church, a modern nun should be...
Photos from the Internet first seen in Catapulta

Posted December 27, 2015