Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Pope Bergoglio enjoys ballet performance
Pope Francis visited the World Meeting of Families on September 26, 2015, during his visit to the U.S. That Saturday provided the occasion for Charles Chaput, Archbishop of Philadelphia, to commemorate the event with several artistic shows.Among them was a song on marriage by Marie Miller. Between the singer and the papal throne, a large part of the stage was left for the Pennsylvania Ballet to perform to the rhythm of the song, translating the lyrics of the song into dancing gestures of tenderness and love.
The female dancers were dressed in sleeveless, transparent apparel worn over swimming suits, which meant that their legs were clearly visible to the Pope, ecclesiastics and audience even when their movements were not meant to let their legs show completely.
Chaput did not fear any sign of disapproval from Francis for the boldness of the display. He was right. Although Francis maintained a poker face during the performance, at the end he could not dissimulate his complacency and warmly applauded the song-ballet double performance.
There is no doubt that we are witnessing the imposition of a new morality by the Conciliar Church that has very little to do with Catholic Morals. Indeed, the latter always taught us to avoid any immodesty that could excite our passions in the state of revolt due to Original Sin.
Song and ballet video here
Photos from the CTV video & Internet

Posted November 29, 2015