Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
How Franciscans preach a mission in Verona
The Franciscans Monks preached a mission in Verona, Italy from March 4 to 15, 2015. Not included in the program were meditations on the seriousness of this life, where we must follow the path of the Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Also not on the agenda was preaching about Hell – a traditional topic of missions – and the danger we run of falling into Hell for all eternity. No, these "sad" themes belong to another era, to another religion...The Italian Franciscans have abandoned these topics. Now they invite all their attendees to "Connettiti alla Gioia" – Connect yourself to the Joy. Indeed, this was the theme of their preaching at the Verona mission. The new "preaching" is not by means of words addressed to the mind to inspire holy decisions of the will. Rather, it takes place through singing and dancing onstage, as you can see in the photos on this page.
Another characteristic of this new style of mission is that we find the monks not only dancing together among themselves, but also with Franciscan nuns. Thus, you can watch both sexes frenetically jiving and jumping together, dancing around waving their arms, holding hands and touching shoulders as if they were modern secular persons at a Mardi Gras party enjoying themselves and looking for dates.
This is the new missiology of Vatican II, which has completely lost its Catholic tone.
An 11-minute video of the disgusting performance can be watched here.
Photos from the video

Posted August 30, 2015