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Smithsonian, October 2008 |
Catholic-Jewish Syncretism in New Mexico
Fr. William Sanchez is pictured above in St. Edwin Church in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He pretends that having Jewish blood entitles him to introduce symbols and rituals from the Jewish religion into the Catholic liturgy. Above, he blows a shofar, a horn used by rabbis to call the people for religious services. He displays a menorah, a seven-branched candelabrum that is one of the oldest symbols of Judaism, in his office. He also wears a Cross topped with the Star of David that hangs from a chain on his chest, below.
This seems to be the translation onto the parish level of the multiple papal symbolic actions favoring Judaism and introducing Jewish rituals into the Catholic Church.
Tribune Online, December 12, 2006 |
Posted November 9, 2008

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