Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
'Gay' liturgy at St. Ignatius Church, NYC
On December 2, 2024, at St. Ignatius of Loyola Church in New York City, Fr. Bryan Massingale celebrated a Mass in remembrance of World AIDS Day, under the complacent jurisdiction of the Archbishop of New York Card. Timothy Dolan.St. Ignatius of Loyola Church is run by the Jesuits and is the main Catholic church in New York dedicated to welcoming homosexuals. For this Mass the church hired Omega Dance Company, which specializes in "sacred" dancing. The performers, twirling large rainbow banners before the altar brought a new level of flamboyance to celebrate this vice against nature.
It is very sad to see that the Order founded by St. Ignatius to combat the enemies of the Church and the Papacy has become a "cesspool of impurities," to use the words of Our Lady of La Salette. Today it is intent on spreading sodomy in its more sophisticated variations, among other bad things,
The vice against nature is no longer a sin committed in secret as it used to be in times past, but it is openly accepted and encouraged, not only by civil governments, but by ecclesiastics of the Church herself and many, if not all, of her Religious Orders.
This degree of moral corruption, never reached before in History, cannot go unpunished. God has to come to chastise the States and Religious Institutions that accept and scandalously promote this vice.
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