Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Pope meets four American transwomen
On September 18, 2024, Pope Francis received in a place of honor, and personally greeted four American transwomen during his general audience at St. Peter's Square.Above, from the left, Sister Genevieve Jeanningros, Fr. Andrea Conocchia, Martha Marvel, Christine Zuba, Maureen Rasmussen and Lynn Discenza
All four transexuals are over 60 years old. Here is a little information about their past lives:
* Martha (Mark) Marvel is a retired Church worker in Wisconsin with a wife and four children. He/she lives a double life – at times as a man with his family, at times as a woman;
* Christine Zuba is a retired electrical engineer in New Jersey, married and had two children with his wife;
* Maureen Rasmussen is a senior marketing expert at General Electric in Maryland. He was married but his wife became an alcoholic when he revealed his "new identity," and died afterwards.
* Lynn Discenza is a retired engineer in Connecticut, married; his wife divorced him when she found out about his sex change.
Below first row, Francis greets Maureen Rasmussen after greeting Martha Marvel, at right. Second row, Christine Zuba checks his/her cell phone after being greeted by Francis and asking him to autograph her/his book, while Lynn Discenza offers a book on LGBT to Francis as he warmly shakes his/her hand.
With this scandal Pope Francis reaffirms his indisputable support for homosexuality and transgenderism, making his pontificate the most corrupted of all Church History.
Photos from National Catholic Reporter