Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Francis depicted approving homo couples
Above is a painting by Fr. William Hart McNichols depicting Francis kissing the foot of a black Jesus in jeans and sweatshirt, while two "couples" of homosexuals – a female "couple" and a male "couple" – await their turns to have their feet washed and kissed.The painting was commissioned by Fr. James Martin for his LGBT conference held at Georgetown University in Washington D.C. from August 2 to 4, 2024. Fr. McNichols, himself an open "gay," was glad to assist. The painting was posted in a place of honor in the auditorium of that Jesuit University, the oldest Catholic university in the United States.
The Cardinal of Washington Wilton Gregory endorsed the initiative with his presence. He said the Mass on August 3 and delivered a homily to the Outreach conference attendees, below first and second rows. He affirmed: "The presence and the pastoral needs of our LGBTQ sisters and brothers may often be viewed as a volatile topic, but they must be faced with sincerity and genuine compassion."
In the third and fourth rows we can read the letter that Pope Francis wrote on July 11, 2024, approving the coming Outreach conference, the organization founded by Fr. Martin to promote homosexuality as well as the other moral degeneracies linked to it. Francis expressed his joy that Card. Gregory would say the Mass, declared himself spiritually united with the participants, and promised his prayers for its success.
The pontificate of Francis shows, even more than those of the other Conciliar Popes, how these Popes serve the agenda of the enemies of the Catholic Church. In other words, they act as infiltrated enemies and, therefore, should be resisted in all the initiatives that contradict the bi-millennial Catholic doctrine and tradition.
Fifth row, Fr. McNichols presenting an explanation of his painting; sixth and seventh rows, scenes from the conference; last row, Sr. Jeannine Gramick among the attendees.
Photos from Outreach &
National Catholic Reporter