Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Pope receives comedians
In the early morning of June 14, 2024, Pope Francis received more than 100 comedians who exercise their trade in the theater, television, radio and press. The large group came from Europe, America and Asia. It was the first time in History that a Pope has invited this type of "artist" to the Vatican.The gesture in itself speaks a lot. The action breaks the seriousness of the See of Peter: Instead of a central place to spread the Word of God, it becomes a place to promote and spread laughter and jokes.
Among the many eulogies of Bergoglio – who has been nicknamed "the Buffoon Pope" – he found occasion to emphasize his beloved Liberation Theology principles. Indeed, he affirmed that "to laugh helps to break the social barriers." Then, among the "miracles" that the laughter produces, he pointed out these "benefit": "You denounce the excesses of power; you give voice to forgotten situations; you spotlight abuses; you call attention to faulty behaviors..."
"Can we laugh also at God? Certainly, and this is not blasphemy. We can laugh just as we play and joke with a person we love." This statement of Francis is hardly in accord with the First Commandment of the Decalogue...
Above, a close-up of the encounter with the "artists of laughter"; below, comedian Luciana Littizzetto thanks the Pope in the name of all those present and reads the "Prayer of Good Humor" by Thomas More.
Photos from L'Osservatore Romano