Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Visitation Sisters dance to modern & pagan rhythms
It seems that it is becoming a trend for religious women to celebrate their feasts with modern and native dances. We have seen the Sisters of Charity in Calcutta celebrating their Province Day with a large repertoire of Hindu dances.Today we report on the Sisters of Visitation of Holy Mary in Laitumkhrah, Meghalaya, also in India, who commemorated their Silver Jubilee on November 28, 2021 with dances.
Professed sisters, novices and boarding school students all took the stage to show their dancing skills. The performances varied from local Hindu pagan dance to Protestant songs to modern wild rhythms that demanded the women wear pants.
All of those performances are inappropriate for religious women, who should be thinking about establishing the Kingdom of Christ in mission lands, and not of adapting their Catholic lives to pagan, Protestant and worldly customs.
Almost all feminine Congregations are following the same path, imposed by Rome in the name of the "fidelity" to Vatican Council II...
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Posted October 16, 2022