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News from India
Card. Dias Burns Incense to a Hindu Deity
Dear TIA,
I found the picture posted below on the net. The Bishop in the picture is now Ivan Cardinal Dias in Bombay. I don't know if he has abjured his action in this event.
They are all taking us to hell with them with all this inculturation. The only casualty has been Christ.
At least one priest has told me that he views Christ as some sort of an enlightened person. Several dress up like mendicants in saffron robes... especially in rural areas.
This is where the Church in India is heading...
N.R. from Goa, India
To make the ceremony above clearer, we reproduce at left, the Hindu deity Ganesha that is being incensed by Cardinal Ivan Dias, at right

Half Hindu, Half Catholic
There is news about the many vocations to the priesthood in India. What they don't say is what these priests are being taught and trained. In the name of Vatican II inculturation, they are mixing Catholic and pagan customs.
It is a whole new kind of evangelization, which results in half-Hindu, half-Catholic liturgies and customs. It is supported by the Bishops and the Vatican. Everything is to bring together the religions, not a conversion to the Catholic Faith and rejection of the pagan cult.
B.M. from India
Posted April 17, 2006

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