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In Canada Francis apologizes for an unproven 'crime'
From July 24 to 29, 2022, Pope Francis visited Canada on a "penitential pilgrimage." Penitential for what crime? For the supposed abuse of the Catholic Church in her treatment of the Indians. In particular, to apologize for a mass grave filled with children, which were supposedly found in the grounds of a Catholic school in British Columbia.Actually, the whole campaign against the Catholic Church in Canada is part of the general false narrative which purports that the European exterminated the local indigenous cultures in order to "impose" their own culture. This has been tendencially labeled as the "cultural genocide" of the Indian peoples: a banner being raised by the extreme left to instigate class struggle.
In May, 2021 Sarah Beaulieu, an anthropologist using a ground-penetrating radar alleged she found mass grave of 215 children in the cemetery of Kamloops Residential Indian School run by the Order of Mary Immaculate from 1893 to 1969 and by the Canadian government after that.
Let us stress that no excavations were made and no corpses were found to prove the allegations. The records of the Catholic mission school register the deaths of children, adults and the missionaries themselves, all buried in the simple cemetery behind the schools, almost all from known causa mortis.
Nonetheless, the media – ignited by The New York Tines – qualified the "discovery" as horrible and termed it a "physical genocide." Next, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made a great show of grief over that “dark and shameful chapter” in Canadian history and ordered all national flags be flown at half-mast. In the Ottawa Parliament it flew at half-mast for five months.
A massive campaign followed, marshaling the forces of the fashion, art and advertisement industries to attack the Catholic Church. Also, many churches in Canada were set ablaze as a radical consequence of this narrative.
Finally, Trudeau demanded that the Pope come to Canada to apologize.
So, instead of analyzing the evidence of the allegations – which to date have not been proved objective – and ignoring the Catholic martyrs who died to implant the Catholic Faith in Canada and all the good the Catholic Missions accomplished in that country, Pope Francis rushed to comply with Trudeau's arrogant demand and traveled there to make a mea culpa on behalf of the Church.
This is what we witnessed last week, with a Pope ridiculously donning an Indian headdress and kissing the hands of Indian leaders he found along his way.
Certainly his action reinforced the anti-Catholic hoax of the mass grave of children. Is Francis a defender of the Catholic Church or an agent of her main enemies?
Photos from The Vatican & Internet

Posted August 7, 2022