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Photo of the Week
Is the Jubilee 2025 logo 'gay' inspired?
During the month of June, the Vatican released the logo chosen as the symbol for the coming Jubilee 2025, a Holy Year dedicated to hope.Among the 294 submissions coming from 48 countries, Arch. Rino Fisichella, below first row, head of the Congregation for Evangelization, selected three, which he presented to Pope Francis. On June 11, the latter chose the one above, drawn by Giacomo Travisani.
The fact that the logo uses the rainbow colors and was chosen in June – a month the press dedicates to homosexuals – inclines us to ask whether or not it was chosen as an indirect homage to the homosexual movement.
Also, the dynamics of the figures embracing one another from behind can reinforce the same impression.
Further, when we looked to learn more about the artist who won the competition, we saw that he is a massage therapist. The photos taken from his Facebook page – second to fifth rows below – do not deny that possibility; on the contrary, they raise eyebrows...
Given the scandalous support that Francis and the Vatican has constantly offered the homosexual movement, the least we can say is that the choice of this logo is very suspicious.
Photos from the Vatican & Internet

Posted July 10, 2022