Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Choir with obscene T-shirts performs for the Pope
On June 8, 2022, Pope Francis gave VIP treatment to a Italian choir wearing T-shirts with the words "Fuck Cancer Choir." The group of about 30 persons was seated not far from to the Pope's chair on St. Peter's Square, above; below first and second rows.The choir was then invited to perform for him, third to the fifth rows. After listening to their songs, a laughing Francis told them: "You are good, you are poets, thank you."
With this gesture Bergoglio approved by the way of facts – in his typical Jesuitic style – foul language not only as a normal way of expressing oneself but also in special solemn circumstances, as is a public audience with the Pope.
It is another severe wound against public morality and good customs inflicted by the one who should be, instead, the guardian of the highest morals inherited from Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Read more on this topic here.

Posted June 12, 2022