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Italian priest arrested for drugs & orgies
On September 14, 2021, the Italian Police of the city of Prato, Tuscany, arrested Fr. Francesco Spagnesi, above, the parish priest of the Church of the Annunciation in the neighborhood of Castellina, below first and second rows.Spagnesi was charged with trafficking drugs imported from the Netherlands – cocaine and GBL (gamma-butyrolactone) aka “the rape drug” – and for organizing parties for drugs and orgies.
The money used to purchase the drugs came from the parish's financial resources, including offerings made at Masses. Spagnesi also had the custom to ask parishioners for money for non-existent needy persons. The drugs were brought in by Spagnesi's sexual partner Alessio Regina, in the insert above, who was arrested in August.
The priest had a list of 200 clients for his drug-orgy-parties, which he organized via texts from his cell phone. The parties took place at a site that belonged to another unidentified partner. See news reports in Italian of the scandal here, here and here.
Contacted by the press, the local Bishop Giovanni Nerbini revealed that he had known that the priest was a drug addict since April and had arranged that he receive medical treatment in June. When Spagnesi refused the treatment, he replaced Spagnesi as pastor of the church with another priest and informed Spagnesi the change would become effective on September 1st. However, Nerbini said he had no idea about the extent of the scandal.
Today, September 19, Bishop Nerbini went to the Church of the Annunciation to say Mass, third row below, and to apologize to the parishioners "for not have protected them enough."
Photos from the Internet

Posted September 19, 2021