Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Bergoglio playing foosball
Today we translate the comments on the photo above made by our colleague website Catapulta in Argentina:“Among many other shortcomings, Bergoglio does not have the least notion of what gravitas means. He belittles it whenever he can, as he did in the audience of August 18, 2021, when he asked to play foosball on the table someone had just given to him. Did he really need to do this publicly?
“It seems he should send some of his handlers to look up the definition on Wikipedia:
“‘Gravitas, a dignity and seriousness exempt of all frivolity, is one of the old Roman virtues most appreciated by that society, along with duty, piety and fortitude.’”
Photos from Catapulta & the Internet

Posted September 5, 2021