Progressivism in the Church
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Photo of the Week
Homo 'widower' receives Communion in Brazil
On the evening of May 11, 2021, a Mass was celebrated at the foot of the famous statue of Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The Mass was said on the 7th day after the death of the comedian Paulo Gustavo's death (the Seventh Day Mass, as it is commonly called.) Gustavo was a known homosexual "married" to physician Thales Bretas; they adopted twin boys, born through a surrogate in the U.S. The 42-year-old actor died of covid.The Mass, duly approved by the Cardinal of Rio, Orani Tempesta, was concelebrated with three priests – Omar Raposo, Jorge Luiz da Silva (Jorjão) and João Damasceno – first row below.
In his homily Fr. Jorge did not say a word censuring homosexuality, but instead indirectly approved it by affirming that Gustavo "practiced the charity of the Gospel by engaging in social work and helping the sick in Manaus."
At the Mass Gustavo's "husband" received Communion, above, and was invited to speak, fifth row below, along with his mother, sister and several movie and TV artists. The Brazilian media insisted on presenting Thales Bretas as Gustavo's "husband" and a "widower." In his speech at the lectern, Bretas, amid sobbing, praised their mutual anti-natural 'love'...
The Brazilian media reported the Mass and Gustavo's vice against nature as entirely normal, presenting homosexual "marriage" as a consummate fact that all must accept. Days after the artist's death, the House of Representatives of his city – Niterói – voted to give his name to a street and erect his statue in a park.
In addition to the Mass, another symbolic religious homage was paid to the homosexual actor: The lights illuminating the Christ the Redeemer statue were turned off for one minute in memory of Gustavo and other victims of covid in Brazil.
Thus, while in Germany the religious authorities ordered their priests to "bless" homosexual couples, in Brazil a notorious de facto approval of the homo lifestyle, "marriage" and adoption of children was made by the Conciliar Church without any censure whatsoever from the Vatican.
Reports on this Mass can be read in Portuguese here and here.
Photos from the Internet.
Posted May 23, 2021