Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Vienna Archdiocese promotes House of Diversity
St. Nicholas Foundation in the Archdiocese of Vienna was founded on June 1, 2009, by Card. Christoph von Schonborn. It has around 90 kindergartens and after school center for 6,350 children between the ages of 1 and 10 in the capital of Austria.The photos on this page are from a children's book called House of Diversity offered by this Foundation for the formation of children. In it one finds all kinds of natural and anti-natural sexual actions, which are taught to children as if they were normal.
Inopportune teachings about natural sex as well as pornographic depictions are offered to innocent and defenseless souls by means of funny drawings. They picture the stick figure characters – most of them children – enjoying the sinful practices they promote, which is a clear encouragement for the students to imitate them.
St. Nicholas Foundation hired Selbstlaut company to train its educational staff and to furnish the pedagogical-sexual material for the classes. This company is deeply committed to the promotion of gender ideology.
Although this directive of St. Nicholas Foundation was attacked by the Austrian Family Alliance, to this day the Archdiocese of Vienna has disregarded those denunciations and continues to maintain its association with Selbstlaut.
We reproduce the demands of the Austrian Family Alliance
and strongly support them:
The Austrian Family Alliance demands:
- that the St. Nicholas Foundation publicly distance itself
from Selbstlaut association,
- officially withdraw its sex education concept,
- have their teachers complete a corresponding corrective re-training course, or make it clear that no sex education is required in kindergarten (!), and
- that it accept the personal consequences.
Photos from
Selbstlaut and Internet, first seen in Lifesitenews

Posted October 11, 2020