Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Pope embraces Argentine concubine
To have a Pope embracing a woman with the warmth and closeness we see above is something quite indecent. It is even more scandalous when we learn that this woman is not a legitimate spouse of a man, but his lover – a concubine as Catholic Morals calls it. This woman is Fabiola Yañez, the concubine of Alberto Fernandez, President of Argentina.By setting this example, Francis sends the message that there is nothing wrong for Catholics to receive and give prestige to a unmarried woman living in sin with her lover.
He also indirectly tells Bishops and priests that there is nothing wrong with them embracing women, an example that is frontally opposed to 2,000 years of Moral teaching of the Catholic Church.
This double scandal took place on December 13, 2019, at the opening of a new seat of the Scholas Occurrents – an organization dear to Francis – which is turned toward teaching children the principles of Progressivism following a new pedagogy.
Invited to the event were the First Ladies of Latin American countries who were present in Rome for another reason. The encounter took place in the new seat of Scholas Occurrentes in Trastevere, Rome.
The first four rows below picture the meeting with the First Ladies; in the fourth row, third from the left, we can recognize Michelle Bolsonaro, First Lady of Brazil, then Fabiola Yañez at the right of Pope Francis, Silvana Lopez, First Lady of Paraguay, Kim Simplis-Barrow, First Lady of Belize, and Maria Juliana Ruiz, First Lady of Colombia. The other persons in the photo are officials of Scholas Occurrentes.
The photos on this page show that Francis gave the Argentine concubine more attention and prestige than any other lady present...
The fifth row photo shows Pope Francis in another room with the First Ladies along with students and members of the organization who assisted at an audience with the Pontiff.
In the last row, we notice the discrete presence of Jeffrey Sachs, the friend of George Soros, who has gained Francis' trust in matters of ecology, population and the formation of youth.
Photos from Catapulta
& Internet

Posted September 6, 2020