Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
The demagogic poverty of Pope Bergoglio
Recently, Pope Francis appeared in public wearing a threadbare white cassock as shown above. We believe that this is not a sign of poverty.Indeed, we know of the solemn mantle of Cardinal Merry del Val, the great Secretary of State of St. Pius X, which was impeccable externally, but threadbare and patched inside. It showed that the Prelate practiced poverty personally, while visibly maintaining his solemn apparel in order, according to the dignity of his office. We admire greatly this unpresumptuous virtue, turned toward God, not men.
Instead, we are very suspicious of those who display and boast their poverty and humility. They seem not so different from fake devotees or flashy politicians who seek fame and popularity. To please God is not the first intention of their showiness.
We are sad to say it, but Pope Bergoglio's displays of poverty and humility are unconvincing to us, so far...
Photos from Getty Images

Posted July 5, 2015