Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
American Prelates & Priests adhere to altar girls
Following in the steps of Pope Francis, first row below, the American Prelates have adhered full steam to the use of altar girls. Above we see Bishop John McCarthy, retired head of the Diocese of Austin, Texas, intimately embracing his servers and suspiciously holding one of them in his lap.Below first row is Pope Francis with an altar girl during one of his Masses at Santa Marta Inn. Second row, Card. Daniel DiNardo, Archbishop of Houston, is surrounded by four teenage girl servers as he prepares to say Mass.
In the third and fourth rows, we see Card. Sean O'Malley, Archbishop of Boston, attending Archbishop Blase Culpich's installation Mass in Chicago, where four young women were acolytes.
Since the Pope and the Prelates have girl servers, it should come as no surprise to see this bad practice also adopted also by countless priests.
We can witness a marked presence of women among the servers of many churches, for example: All Saints Church, Taylorville, Kentucky (fifth row); St. John the Baptist Church in Monroe, Michigan (sixth row); St. Joseph's Church in Vancouver, Washington (seventh row); St. Bartholomew the Apostle Church in Scotch Plains, New Jersey (eight row) and St. Dominic's Church in Panama City, Florida (profile, last row).
This is a practice that goes against the almost bi-millennial tradition of the Catholic Church before the Council, which always barred women (children, teenagers, adult single or married or religious) from serving the priest on the altar. It is, therefore, another rotten fruit of Vatican II in order to promote feminism and, in the long run, to encourage the ordination of women.
Photos from the Internet

Posted January 11, 2015