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Cardinal OMally blessed by Protestant

Card. O'Malley asks Methodist to 'reaffirm' his baptism

Card. Sean O'Malley, Archbishop of Boston, asked a Protestant woman minister to administer to him "a remembrance of his baptism" on January 12, 2014, above.

The surprising off-the-schedule request of O'Malley took place in Sudbury Methodist Temple where an ecumenical act of common prayer was taking place. The ceremony was to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the visit of the Archbishop of Boston, Card. Richard Cushing, to that same Protestant temple on January 19, 1964. He was the first Cardinal to visit a Protestant Temple, a pioneer gesture that established a landmark for ecumenism.

After delivering a speech before the 500 people present, O'Malley returned to his pew. When Methodist minister Anne Robertson along with a Catholic priest passed by in order to anoint those present, the Boston Cardinal asked Robertson to "reaffirm his baptism" by anointing his forehead.

Such an anointment is a Methodist invention that represents a para-sacrament. The minister applies his finger dipped in "consecrated water" to the forehead of the person and says: "Remember your baptism and be thankful." It is considered a "reaffirmation" of one's baptism.

Far from being just an amiable gesture, O'Malley's action represents a tacit acceptation of United Methodist's position on sacraments. Now then, this sect accepts only two sacraments: baptism and communion. Further, "communion" for these Protestants is completely different from the Catholic Communion, since they believe Our Lord is present in the Eucharist as a symbol and not a reality. They deny transubstantiation. Thus, O'Malley's gesture is close to a denial of the Catholic Faith.

Besides, to receive this "reaffirmation" given by a woman minister sends the message that the time for women priests in the Catholic Church can be near.

For news reports on this event read The Pilot,
of the Archdiocese of Boston here; and the Patriot Ledger, here.


Blason de Charlemagne
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Posted February 16, 2014

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