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UFOs, Montessori & Pro-Abortion Francis

Marvelous Music

Dear TIA,


A few days ago I came across this beautiful piece of music, which was written by King Alfonso X of Castile (+ 1284). Perhaps your other readers might enjoy it.

     In Christ,

     Br. M.J., OSB



Good afternoon,

I was wondering if you publish any kind of physical newspaper, magazine or newsletter? Is everything just online?

Thank you and may God bless you!



TIA responds:

Good afternoon L.H.,

Thank you for your inquiry. We have the works in our online Bookstore, and we also offer downloadable PDF works in our Website Library. In the latter we have a compilation of articles from our American History web page, and we hope to make other such assemblages available in the future.


     TIA correspondence desk


I Loved Patrick’s Video

My Dear Miss Marian,

A Very Big Thank You for the release of the video of Mr. Patrick Odou's opening remarks at the Spring 2023 Conference.

I loved it! Listened twice. Shared with 2 friends; sending both video and transcript links to each.




Benedict & Taizé’s Schutz

Dear TIA,

Re: Remembering Brother Roger of Taize

Saw this article in a recent LaCroix posting – of course it is all praise for this Swiss protestant and his ecumenism with Catholics and other religions at Taize, where he initiated “a whole new way of experiencing our relationship with God.” It continues to describe that way: “Hundreds of young people sit together in front of a bank of flickering candle lights, singing, listening praying.”

What about the Blessed Sacrament? Not present. Not ecumenical.

Anyway I was remembering how then-Cardinal Ratzinger gave communion in the hand to his “protestant brother” Roger Schutz at JPII’s funeral Mass. As you note in your posting way back when, “This recent picture may be a good reminder for those "conservatives" who pretend that everything that Joseph Ratzinger did or does is orthodox and wonderful.”

I think we should be remembering things like this instead of jumping on the 'Benedict was good, Francis is bad' bandwagon. Both are progressivists and part of the Vatican II Revolution in the Church.



UFOs & Devils


I recommend that you watch this 20 minute video in which a known astrophysicist with expertise in UFOs comes to the conclusion that - besides the hoaxes and military experiments which often are taken as UFOs – there are real phenomena occurring. He categorizes them as actions of devils and justifies it very well in terms of science.

It confirms your previous approach on this topic.




Montessori Education for Children

Dear TIA,

If I may go to the subject of Montessori education, I must confess I find no merit in it. Liberalism and lenient approaches to teaching have destroyed educational standards. The job of the teacher, I believe, is to get the best out of every pupil: To encourage them by all means necessary to achieve the highest possible standards, to be diligent, to seek the truth always.

Creativity will always take fourth place to logic, reason and hard work. With creativity often comes laziness and lack of diligence and attention to detail. Even in the case of girls, who would not need many of the subjects they study, one must teach them diligence. Then, they will apply that to their domestic duties as wife and mother. Of course Catechism and religious and moral training must always come first and here again no half measures can be accepted. In the Montessori method creativity seems to take precedence over hard work and this is very dangerous.

In Ireland, the Christian Brothers were famous for getting the best out of their boys. They taught many poor boys without fees and many of their former pupils rose to the top in Irish society. Many publicly expressed their gratitude to the Brothers as their parents could not afford school fees. All stressed the fact that the Brothers were “hard” strict disciplinarians but all were still grateful.

If the Brothers had not been hard those boys would have languished at the back of the class with mediocre results. Two of my own brothers entered the order. They entered the seminary at age twelve and received a secondary education parallel with their religious formation.

If the Brothers in the schools were hard, in the seminary there was an even stricter disciplinary regime. I am sure Maria Montessori would not have approved. The De La Salle Brothers with whom I taught were a little more lenient. They had fee paying schools and generally middle class pupils. However the “leather” was still in daily use in their classrooms also. …

God bless Dr. Horvat! I have just read about that wonderful American girl Savannah, who made reparation for the profanation of the Hoy Eucharist at the LIsbon WYD.  It raises the spirits to know such girls still exist. It is no coincidence that she is American. American families still produce such wonderful young people. Such families may not be as numerous as before but they still exist. Deo Gratias!

     Yours sincerely

     C.M, Ireland


The Real Pope Francis


Very revealing is the news report posted on Rorate Coeli [below]. Francis named a pro-abortion, pro-drug and supporter of prostitution judge for a pontifical institute, which he created especially for him.

This shows objectively who the Pope we have at the Vatican is… I don’t know how someone can still close his eyes to this reality.


Francis Names Most Pro-Abortion and Pro-Drugs Lawyer in Latin America to Vatican Position

He is the former Justice of the Argentine Supreme Court, Eugenio Zaffaroni — certainly the most influential liberal lawyer and legal thinker in Latin America in the past few decades.

Pope Francis with Zaffaroni

One can certainly attribute to Zaffaroni both the legal basis for the abortion legalization wave that swept through the region in the post-Francis years, and the anti-law and order and pro-drug legalization message that placed criminals on the street and led the region to its current historic records of criminal activity and murder. And the greatest legal force for homosexual “marriage” in the region.

So, a lawyer with blood in his hands – blood, and serious accusations that his apartments in Buenos Aires were used for… unusual paid sexual activities by prostitutes.

And how was he rewarded by Francis?

With a Vatican position, of course. As mentioned in the Vatican Bollettino yesterday, Francis created a whole pontifical organism just for him, the most liberal lawyer in Latin America...

Posted August 22, 2023


Blason de Charlemagne
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