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The Doctor Cannot Explain My Healing…
Testimonial on Our Lady of Good Success
The Novena to Our Lady of Good Success I prayed is this: "Immaculate Conception of Our Lady of Good Success, my Mother, heal my body."
This novena is prayed using the rosary beads to count. The phrase is repeated 1000 times a day for seven days. I prayed only that phrase on the 50 beads of the rosary and went around the rosary 20 times. For me it worked to do 10 rounds of the rosary beads in the morning, another 5 in the afternoon and the last 5 in the evening. Even though the phrase is simple (13 words), it helped me to read the phrase each time.
My Story
My husband had encouraged me to pray this novena for my osteoporosis.
I had been encouraged by my doctor to do a Reclast infusion to help strengthen my bones. I decided to follow my doctor’s suggestion, as I had been encouraged to treat my osteoporosis for several years and felt it was time to do something about it. I am a very healthy and active woman who was 59 at the time.
Five hours after having the infusion, I had an extreme reaction to the Reclast. By evening, my back felt as if I had razor blades in each of my vertebrae. I decided to wait till morning to see if I would feel better. I actually was able to sleep on my side.
In the morning, however, the pain was worse and I was very nauseous. Mike called an ambulance to take me to the hospital. By the time I arrived at the hospital, my blood pressure had dropped severely and my white blood cell count was high. While I was in the hospital, the doctor there ordered a cat scan.
The results showed I had fatty cells on my liver (I do not drink alcohol), I had sludge in my bladder, my left kidney was swollen, and my pancreas was inflamed. My doctor was a friend and could not believe I had so much wrong with me!!
After three days in the hospital I was able to return home. An appointment was made for me to see my family doctor a week later, and it was recommended for me to have a follow up ultrasound.
During that week I began the novena Mike had suggested I pray. I began on Wednesday, September 8th (I would like to add that I was unaware that it was the feast of the birth of Our Blessed Mother... I was still very weak and very unaware of time. I only just now became aware of this as I counted the days backwards from the day my novena ended, which was the feast of the Exaltation of the Cross, to see when I started... Wow!!! God is always amazing!! I only knew I wanted to begin the novena to Our Lady of Good Success!!)
The day after the novena I was scheduled for an ultra sound.
Later that same week I met with my doctor for the results. I was very amazed to find out that each organ that was so sick now was shown to be normal!!
I asked the doctor if these organs could just heal like that? He responded that there was no explanation for what had happened!!
I asked again: "Could these organs have responded to the reclast and just gotten better?" He responded: “No!”
I feel extremely thankful to Our Lady of Good Success and all of the many prayers of my family for this incredible miracle and blessing from God.
Valerie MacGrath
It Has Pierced Every Part of My Soul
Dear TIA,
I congratulate on your apostolate regarding the Church, and I hope Our Beloved Mother grants you the strength, wisdom and victorious action to accomplish more pious work for the glory of The Most Holy Trinity.
I’m looking for the info you have in your site regarding Our Mother of Good Success, and I wonder if you can direct me to information that is rendered in Spanish language.
I have just encountered this devotion and it has pierced every part of my soul, calling me.
Thank you very much for your attention,
Yours sincerely,
J.L.C., Bolivia
TIA responds:
Dear J.L.C.,
Thank you for your kind words about our work. We were pleased to learn of your growing devotion to Our Lady of Good Success, truly a devotion for our times.
You can read all the known prophecies in the 3-volume work by Fr. Pereira, published in Spanish by Jesus del Misericordia publishers in Quito with the title Vida Admirable de la Madre Mariana de Jesus Torres y Berriochoa.
It is being distributed in the United States by Libreria Fiat Voluntas Tua in Florida. To order the set from this company, you can call them at 786-388-3128 or e-mail them at fiatvtua@bellsouth.net.
TIA correspondence desk
Posted November 25, 2010

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