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Dos and Don’ts in Photos
Queen receiving a gift

Do show appreciation for the gifts you receive

Above, we see Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip examining a handcrafted Post-It Note holder with expressions of careful consideration and appreciation. The gift came from Hamilton and Inches, an Edinburgh-based silversmith company, and was offered during the royal couple's tour of Scotland in April of 2016.

The gift, among others, was made especially for the Queen's desk in honor of her 90th birthday. She graciously accepted the gift, remarking that it was very kind and useful. Behind her, two Scottish ladies are smiling broadly, pleased to see their gift so well received.

Here we find a good example of the royal couple practicing some basic good manners, that is, to always be gracious in accepting a gift, regardless of how indifferent you might be or how commonplace it may seem.

The royal couple is instinctively complying with a centuries-old principle of courtesy born from Christian Civilization. Indeed, the Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ watering for centuries the temporal sphere through the beneficial evangelization of the Catholic Church soaked into the social customs that incomparable charity He showed to each person He dealt with on His earthly journey. The Catholic courtesy that came from this still transmits the graces of His presence, even when such acts are repeated by those who, unfortunately, are no longer in the bosom of Holy Mother Church.

For these elevated reasons, always try to be kind to those who give you something.

Do show appreciation for the gifts you receive.

Kaede Lira

Photo from Point de Vue, February 8, 2017


Blason de Charlemagne
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Posted May 17, 2017

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