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Church Revolution in Pictures

Photo of the Week

Sentinelle del mattino 01

The Church Invades the Italian Beaches
Fr. Andrea Brugnoli, above, is the founder of the Sentinels of the Dawn movement for youth, inspired by the World Youth Days of John Paul II. Under his orientation, youth of both sexes go to nightclubs in their cities to invite customers to visit a nearby church for a moment of adoration. The adoration is laudable; sending youth to nightclubs is condemnable: the end does not justify the means.

For some time now, Fr. Brugnoli has also been sending his youth to beaches. The work of "apostolate" starts with the playing of loud "Catholic rock." The Sentinels, wearing their pink t-shirts, warm up to its rhythm, below first row. Then they approach the sunbather - no matter how immorally he or she may be dressed - second and third rows, to say a few words inviting him to attend a nocturnal adoration.

The work of the "mission on the beaches" is often interrupted by playing more rock music and by group dancing. The Sentinels, including nuns, dance with the scantily clad beach-goers, fourth row.

At night, in tents or inflatable "churches," fifth row, Fr. Brugnoli promotes an adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in a charismatic style, with dancing and clapping.

Among many questions that could be raised, we ask only two: Are the Sentinels like the rest of us, also conceived in Original Sin? If they are, where is their respect for Catholic Morals and Modesty?

The Sentinels of the Dawn is just one of several movements turned toward such an apostolate. This year the Sentinels can be viewed on a number of videos posted on Youtube. Watch one here that gives you an overview of their action.
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Sentinelle del mattino 03


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Posted August 24, 2008

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