Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Syncretist afternoon in Panama
On August 15, 2024, the Archbishop of Panama City, Msgr. José Domingo Ulloa together with the Interreligious Committee of Panama promoted an Afternoon of Open Temples (Tarde de Templos Abiertos). The temples of 12 different religions opened their doors to receive visitors of other beliefs.This general invitation to the public, especially to Catholics since they are the majority religion in Panama's population, is meant to acquaint them with the rites and symbols of the false religions.
This initiative goes a step further than the habitual progressivist interreligious dialogue insofar as their leaders set aside any concerns regarding faith and tried to thrust their followers into the One World Religion by considering all present day creeds and rites as equal before God. It is a dictatorial facet of religious indifferentism.
To make things even bolder, Archbishop Ulloa and the Interreligious Committee of Panama chose August 15 for their "Open Temples" day because it is the day of the Assumption of Our Lady into Heaven, and the 505th anniversary of the foundation of Panama City, which was made under her patronage and in her honor. That is, this de facto denial of the Catholic Faith profaned the Feast Day of Our Lady.
The Archbishop's invitation to come to the many temples can be viewed in this clip, with English subtitles.
Fortunately, the initiative was a fiasco. The public did not respond to the appeal and only a few attendees can be seen in the various temples, here and here.
Still better, a group of young Catholics from Panama under the leadership of Attorney Yousef Altaji Narbon issued an Open Letter to the Archbishop to express their protest. The letter can be read here in English, and here in Spanish.
In the collage surrounded by a blue line, in the third row below, under the orange box of syncretist symbols we can distinguish some of the temples all presented equally: on the top row from left, the Catholic Basilica of Santa María la Antigua, the Baháʼí house of adoration and the Mormon temple; middle row, the Baptist temple and the Episcopalian cathedral; bottom row, the Methodist Wesley temple, the synagogue and the Jama mosque.
Photos from the mentioned videos & the Internet