Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Papal homage to Sr. Jeanningros
On July 31, 2024, Pope Francis went to Luna Park in Ostia to pay homage to Sister Genevieve Jeanningros, 81, for her 56 years of social work. Then, he enjoyed a circus performance put on by the Luna Park staff.For the last years Sr. Jeanningros has been caring for a group of male prostitutes who submitted themselves to surgeries to look like women. So, at night those transgenders walk the streets of Torvajanica, 15 miles from Ostia, to offer "sex work" to their clients.
The nun makes sure that those degenerates are in good health and do not suffer privations. She, along with Fr. Andrea Connochia, also often bring the group to the Vatican to meet with Pope Francis.
Since these prostitutes are Latin Americans – mostly Argentinians – Francis has a special affection for them... His visit to Sr. Jeanningros must be seen in this context.
Now, it so happened that on July 26 at the Opening Ceremony of the 2024 Olympics a blasphemous parody of the Last Supper was made by a group of homosexuals and transgenders, which caused Catholics around the world to become furious and demand reparation.
All eyes turned to the Vatican to see what Pope Francis would do to protest and make reparation in order to save the honor of Our Lord Jesus Christ who was so shamefully publicly outraged.
What did he do? He went to Ostia to praise a nun for her work with transgender prostitutes... That is, instead of a protest, he made an indirect endorsement of that blasphemy.
This is what he did.
Above and below second row, Francis enjoys a circus performance in Ostia. Sr. Jeanningros is seated at his left. Third row, the nun introducing her transgender prostitutes to Francis at a general audiencea in St. Peter's Square.