Progressivism in the Church
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Photo of the Week
Helder Camara's process of beatification advances
Msgr. Luciano Brito, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Olinda and Recife, Brazil, (above, third from the right) reports on his Instagram account that he travelled to Rome on May 27, 2022. He went to deliver to the Vatican's Congregation for the Cause of Saints copies of all the writings of the late Archbishop Helder Camara, as well as the transcripts of his many radio messages. That compilation will be included in the process of beatification of the Archbishop of Olinda and Recife.Helder Camara earned the nickname the "Red Archbishop" for his known communist ideas. Confirming this infamous title, Msgr. Brito ordered the packages of the documents to be wrapped in red plastic, as a way to say: "Yes, he was the Red Archbishop and now he will be a saint."
To give our readers an idea of the ideas of Camara, we transcribe two excerpts of an interview he gave to an Italian journalist in 1970:
Oriana Fallaci: Let us turn to that nickname of Red Archbishop. What are your political ideas today? Are you a socialist as people say you are or not?
Helder Camara: It is clear that I am! God created man in His image and likeness because he [man] was His co-creator and not because he was a slave. How can we allow the majority of men to be exploited and live as slaves? I do not see any solution in Capitalism. Nor do I see [any solution] in the socialist examples that are offered to us today, because they are based on dictatorships, and you do not achieve Socialism through dictatorships. ... My Socialism is special; it is a Socialism that respects the human person and goes back to the Gospel. My Socialism is justice. ...
O. Fallaci: Did you read Marx?
H. Camara: Obviously I did! I do not agree with his conclusions, but I agree with his analysis of Capitalist Society. This does not give anyone the right to call me an honorary Marxist. The fact is that Marx should be interpreted under the light of a reality that has changed, that is changing. I always tell the youth that it is a mistake to assimilate Marx literally: He should be read and applied without forgetting that his analysis was made one century ago.
Today, for example, Marx would never say that religion is an alienation or an alienating force. Religion earned this qualification [then], but it is no longer valid. See what is happening with the priests in Latin America and every other place. Many communists know that. Persons like the French [Roger] Garaudy know it ... they exist and they think, they incarnate what Marx would say in our times.
Below first row left, Camara with Marxist governor of his Pernambuco State Miguel Arraes; center, with communist Brazilian President João Goulart; right, with communist Fr. Joseph Comblin.
Second row left, holding a book on the Revolution of Development; center, with Card. Evaristo Arns, founder of the Basic Christian Communities and principal force of Liberation Theology in Brazil, he was responsible for the election of Lula da Silva and Dilma Rousseff as presidents of Brazil; right, with Card. Leo Suenens, an important player in the Conciliar Revolution and founder of the Charismatic Movement.
Fourth row, with the Conciliar Popes; Paul VI used to call Helder Camara "my Red Archbishop." Fifth and sixth rows, some shots of his demagogic gestures that characterized his way of speaking.
If we are Catholics, it is quite difficult to imagine that Archbishop Helder Camara could be a saint. But, given the general apostasy of the Conciliar Church, it is very likely that we could soon have another of the fake saints that abound after Vatican II.
May God intervene soon and bring the Chastisement to prepare the ground for the Reign of Mary.
Photos from the Internet

Posted May 29, 2022